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Ed James

Posted 2009-09-29 by Sharon
The Wickenburg Sun, Wickenburg, AZ
August 25, 2004, p. B7

Ed James, who passed away Aug. 16, was born Jan. 25, 1939 in Lebanon Mo.

Upon completing high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. After his tour of duty, he attended the University of Missouri, majoring in Finance. He then entered into the business world and settled in Kansas City, Mo.

Ed and Pat married in 1963. They had two lovely daughters, Debbie (husband Mario) and Diane. Ed is also survived by grandchildren Rachel, Alexis, and Marco; his brother Jack; and five nieces and two nephews.

Ed and his family have resided in the Phoenix area since the 1970s, and he was very active in numerous volunteer organizations.

Since his retirement in the Wickenburg area, Ed has been active in the local Elks and the Wickenburg Country Club, where he served on the Board of Directors for several years.

Golf was his love. He excelled in his short game. He also accomplished making two holes-in-one.

Ed will be deeply and sincerely missed by his family, friends and all who knew him.

Donations may be made in memory of Ed to "Wickenburg Junior Golf" at the Wickenburg Country Club.

A friend of the family has written a beautiful golf story about Ed that follows.

18 holes of golf - Ed's life story

Life is like golf. Those early holes - like early years - you have your ups and downs, struggling to get things right. A new caddie, your wife Pat, helping you along the way, trying to make the best shots, best decisions.

A great set of clubs in your bag, each serving a different purpose; your friends, golf buddies, neighbors, other members of your family - the clubs of your life.

After a few holes, you start getting your game down, caddie and golfer working together.

Sure, there are a few bogies along the way - checks and balances just like life. Sooner or later you have a couple hole-in-ones, your daughters Debbie and Diane.

Then there's always the sand traps, more checks and balances. But oh when those shots are good, stringing pars together making the game good. Your pars in life are your grandchildren Rachel, Alexis and Marcos - it doesn't get any better than that.

Soon the game is going good. All the shots are going where they belong. Oh sure, you still have the hazards and challenges to face, but for the most part you have your game together.

You finally come to the last few holes in the game. Some hits and some misses, but still you have those memories: your caddie Pat, who has always been there to help you through the difficult shots, helping line up the hole-in-ones, the pars and so much more.

Now you've come to that last tee and you know it's a difficult par four. But you strike the ball as good as it gets right down the middle of the fairway. Got a chance for an eagle! You line the shot up, all the time thinking of the hole-in-ones, the great pars and the caddie that got you this far. They are there with you and watch as you strike the ball, watching as it flies high, catching the crest of the wind, landing softly on the green, rolling right into the cup like we all knew it would.

We celebrate your life, Ed, because we know you have just made the shot of your life. See you at the 19th hole!

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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