Arizona Obituary Archive

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Lieut. Elmer Sherriff

Posted 2009-10-29 by Sharon
The Wickenburg Sun, Wickenburg, AZ
July 7, 1944

Rumored Lieut. Sherrif Lost Life in England

Up to the time of going to press, the SUN was unable to confirm rumors current locally that Lieut. Elmer Sherrif, who was stationed at the Army’s Lumber Depot here for some time and made many friends in Wickenburg, lost his life recently while on duty in England. The report of his death is said to have come from a California army post where Lieut. Sherrif served before going overseas but no authentic information has been received.

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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