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Mary Paige

Posted 2008-02-04 by Sharon
Wickenburg Sun, Wickenburg, AZ
November 7, 1958 p. 4

Many Friends Join In Memory Tribute To Mrs. Mary Paige

Several hundred friends joined relatives in honoring the memory of Mrs. Charles Wesley Paige at impressive' services in the First Presbyterian Church at 4 o'clock last Friday after noon. Dr. Charles S. Poling, pastor, conducted the services.

Music was by Mrs. Robert Naeve, organist, and a quartet composed of Mesdames Fred Babcock, Randolph Patterson, Robert Wentworth and Reuben Stifel.

At the Wickenburg Cemetery, where burial took place at sundown, rites were in charge of a group of Eastern Star officers including Fred Stewart and Mesdames G. E. Woodmansee, Joe Dean, Bill Hanger, Evelyn Smith, John Wright, Isie Billingsley, Bernice Markle and Roberta Thayer.

Pallbearers were Ted Wood, Carl Shride, Floyd Wachter, H. K. MacLennan, Harold Johnson of Tucson and Fred Stewart.

Mrs. Paige died at Community Hospital October 29. While she had been in ill health for several months, her death came suddenly and was a shock to the community.

Relatives from out of town who attended the services were three sisters of the deceased: Miss Genevieve Hane of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. J. A. McQuerry of Dallas, Texas, and Mrs. Orville Oldham of Tucson; a brother-in-law, Mr. Oldham of Tucson; a niece, Mrs. J. J. O'Hara and three children of Fairfield, Calif.; and an uncle of Mr. Paige, Wesley Nicholson of Chabbona, Ill. Others from out of town were Mr. & Mrs. Harold Johnson of Tucson and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Landers of El Monte, Calif.

While many friends sent flowers to the home and to the services, other friends are contributing memorial books to the Wickenburg Public Library, of which Mrs. Paige was a founder and its most loyal booster, and making memorial contributions to the Cancer Fund.

See Also: Find a Grave

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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