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James Brantley Byrd

Posted 2008-02-17 by Sharon
Wickenburg Sun, Wickenburg, AZ
Sept. 23, 1955, p. 1

James Byrd, Sr., Funeral Services Are Held Tuesday

Funeral services for James B. Byrd, Sr., were conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Wickenburg.

Chapel by the Rev Bill Barker, pastor of the Baptist Church, and William Grigg, president of the local branch of the Church, of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Burial followed in Wickenburg Cemetery with the American Legion conducting military rites.

Mr. Byrd died in Community Hospital Thursday evening. He had spent the day in Phoenix and that evening suffered a heart attack. He passed away a few minutes after reaching the hospital.

A Wickenburg resident since 1950, Mr. Byrd was well known as he had conducted the golf shop at the Wick en burg Country Club for the past two years. Mrs. Byrd is a nurse on the staff of Community Hospital.

Mr. Byrd was born in Pembroke, Ga., August 25, 1886. From 1906 to 1910 he served in the Army's 27th Infantry, seeing duty in China, the Philippines and in the Cuban Pacification War. From 1912 until 1950, when he moved to Wickenburg, he lived in the Chicago area. He was a charter member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He was married in 1912 in Chicago.

Mr. Byrd had 15 brothers and sisters of whom 14 are now living in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. He is also survived by the widow, Mabel; one son, James Byrd, Jr., of Wickenburg; Pond three grandchildren.

Pallbearers at the funeral were Dick Hornecker, Nick Gaunt, Owen Layton, Pete Petersen, John Krackenberger, Warren Willis, Bob Wentworth and Ted Van Horn.

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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