Arizona Obituary Archive

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August H. Hoffman

Posted 2008-02-17 by Sharon
Wickenburg Sun, Wickenburg, AZ
January 6, 1956, p. 1

Rites Held Here For Gus Hoffman

Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, January 3, at the Wickenburg Chapel for August H. (Gus) Hoffman, former well known resident of Wickenburg who passed away December 29 in Butte, Mont., following a heart attack. He was 72 years of age. Mrs. Lottie Crozier conducted the services and burial took place in the Wickenburg Cemetery.

Mr. Hoffman lived in Wickenburg for several years before moving to Butte in 1950. While a resident here he was active in the Round-Up Club. He owned property in this town. At the time of his death he was associated with Hennesy's Department Store in Butte, in the
appliance department.

Surviving are the widow, Nell, a son, Jack Hoffman of Butte and a step-son, Allen B. Conner of La Mesa, Calif. A sister and brother-in-law are Mr. & Mrs. Bert Headley of Wickenburg. Several grandchildren also survive.

See Also: Find a Grave

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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