Arizona Obituary Archive

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Lucretia C. (Putman) Weaver

Posted 2007-01-06 by Arizona Newspapers

Born in Vermont
Dec. 21, 1832
Died in Colton, Calif.
Mar. 3, 1923

Pioneer Lady is Buried Here

On Saturday last, the 3rd Inst., in Colton, California, occurred the death of Lucretia C. [Putnam] Weaver an old pioneer resident of Pinal County.

The deceased had been in very poor health for over a year. She had been in Colton, where her son Fred Weaver is located, for the past few years.

Funeral services were held in Casa Grande, Thursday afternoon [March 8, 1923] of this week from the Presbyterian Church, burial was made in the Weaver plot in their own cemetery.

The deceased was the mother of several children; those who survive her are: Mrs. R.F. [Addie] Phillips, mother of Mrs. Arthur [Tessie] Elliott and John Phillips of this city; Fred Weaver of Colton and Mrs. John Maloney who resides in the east. She leaves besides these children, 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Lucretia Weaver [born in the state of Vermont on Dec. 21, 1832] came to this state from North Dakota with her husband, [William K. Weaver] in 1894, and they endured together all the hardships of the Arizona Pioneer. She was a women of great integrity and sterling character and was beloved by all who knew her.

The Bulletin, Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923
Vol. 15 - No. 10

Note: These obituaries are transcribed as published and are submitted by volunteers who have no connection to the families. They do not write the obituaries and have no further information other than what is posted within the obituaries. We do not do personal research. For this you would have to find a volunteer who does this or hire a professional researcher.

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